5 Behavioral Values we Expect from Leadership

 5 Behavioral Values We Expect from Leadership

In every successful organization, people on teams are influential in creating self-sanctioning actions that align with shared values, steering clear of maladaptive behaviors.

High-functioning teams thrive on a shared commitment to excellent work and achievement. Within these teams, leadership plays an essential role—not just in fostering positive behaviors but also in addressing maladaptive behaviors with the same rigor applied to underperformance in task assignments.

As leaders, it is vital to embody values that inspire and guide the team toward collective success. Here are five core leadership values that we expect from exceptional leadership:

1️⃣ Integrity: To behave honestly in all actions and decisions.
2️⃣ Commitment: To express one’s full potential, capability, and energy in work.
3️⃣ Reliability: To consistently be counted upon to deliver what is expected or required.
4️⃣ Initiative: To originate new ideas or methods without being prompted.
5️⃣ Co-operativeness: To work together with others toward a common purpose.

These values are not merely ideals—they are psychological imperatives. They create an environment where individuals and teams can perform at their best and truly flourish within an organization.

To dive deeper into leadership values, download our infographic that includes:
5 Leadership Values
4 Questions to Determine Your Leadership Values
